Thursday, May 3, 2012

Making It Work

When you live in New York, in order to truly belong you have to develop a good poker face when you see a celebrity.  Woody Allen? Yeah, whatever. Jake Gyllenhaal?  Again?  But when I walked passed Tim Gunn recently I think I might have blushed.  Really.  I just love him.  Lets be honest, at this point he's the only reason to watch Project Runway. 

Tim Gunn channeling 007
If anyone else said to me, "Make it work Hannah," I'd be pissed.  But when Tim Gunn says it, it is said with confidence that you actually can make it work. 

Clover Canyon Bar Code Maxi Dress 
I like the challenge of getting dressed and making something work, although in recent months getting my three year old daughter dressed has become a challenge I haven't relished and I have a feeling even Tim Gunn might lose his cool over the 20 minutes and numerous tears shed over picking out underwear.  

Matta Chahna Dress
It is probably my enjoyment of fashion challenges that attracted me to maternity wear in the first place, after all there are many challenges inherent with your body expanding in all sorts of unexpected ways and in various directions.  But it is not a lost cause. Not at all.

Olian Safari Dress
You might have to say goodbye temporarily to your natural waist and to some favorites in your wardrobe but it's not forever and there are many ways to stretch your wardrobe.  You will probably have to accept defeat a few times before you find what works, but 9+ months is a long time and your style is important, so have faith and don't believe the naysayers - there is great maternity fashion out there.

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